Thursday, August 1, 2013

Incessant Rain

The afternoon sky looks like its evening
After scores of days for sunlight yearning
Poor small plants on the verge of wilting
For over a month now it’s incessantly raining
Not to be seen any dry patch of land
Washed away, displaced heaps of sand
From nowhere, like god swayed a wand
Black clouds hover, in proportions grand
The drizzle and the fury, all encompassed
Danger marks in those dams long surpassed
Green algae over floor and walls amassed
Insects’ multi-coloured into homes trespassed
Shackled, unnerving, it now needs punctuation
Rains like everything feels joyous in moderation

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, even if I am sick with Mumbai rains, it evokes all the changes we see during monsoon.

    " now needs punctuation...", what a line it is, the meaning can be as deep as you may like to think.

    Typically, Sambit 'The Poet' Dash.


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