Friday, July 16, 2021

Injured Identities


With the flicker of hope finished,

The glimmer of possibility gone,

Scores of us stare into an abyss,

With uncertainty and feeling forlorn.


For many years, the home that was,

Torn asunder in a whiff.

Blood, sweat, tears all invested,

Everything stands now at the edge of a cliff.


For those who lay the foundation,

Using hands to lay mortar and brick.

An end of a long dream for them,

Even they too couldn’t pull a savior trick.


The dream that they nurtured well,

Blazed bright through a new landscape.

Perhaps they never thought it would dim so soon,

From the finality there is now no escape.


Those who entered when the portal newly opened,

With dreamy eyes and determination.

They burnt the wick of their prime,

In building a stellar reputation.


They took care of the toddler,

Raised it to be successful teenager.

And when the child was separated,

Nothing they could to maintain the merger.


The last leg of their marathon,

Now seems like an obscure journey.

The crescendo of their careers,

Now lies uncertain on a gurney.


For who joined the song midway,

Rode on the success wave.

Little did they know that it will turn,

A situation so grim and grave.


Long years wait ahead of them,

A thousand miles yet to walk.

The uprooting misbalances all the math,

Meaningless appear most routine task.


Questions aplenty haunt silently,

With no one to answer the best.

The tables turned for all and how,

People subjected to a very tough test.


For some it is about careers,

Loan for some, education for others.

Money for some, for some dignity,

Myriad questions everyday bothers.


Where did it all go wrong?

For what fault of ours?

What need does unsettling serve,

The thoughts haunts for hours.


All the excellence achieved,

With years of toil.

Did not matter a bit,

When the system came to foil.


All the best practices, innovations,

All the records of standing first.

Couldn’t save the situation,

All of it now bites the dust.


Uncomfortable silences all around,

Just a façade of laughter.

Plenty everyone wish to share,

But one one’s opening that chapter.


What tomorrow beholds is unsure,

Sans an identity, we walk nameless.

Who to turn to or what to,

In the uncertain sea, we sail rudderless.









  1. What a beautiful meaningful poem. It covers the actual essence of life.wah

  2. All our thoughts put into verse so beautifully. Moved me to tears

  3. Such a relatable piece...with so many sentiments yet all of them stands true to this time..its a masterpiece of a poem..

  4. You brought my words out... Numb n dumbstuck... I knew not what to say... But yes my thoughts are out as i see it in your penned words... Heavy heart I see our very own being separated away...for reasons unknown... Learning to live as its time to be inspired by life

  5. Very true remarkably put down the feelings on paper..

  6. Very true you have marvelously put down on paper the true


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