Thursday, October 6, 2011

The iDIE App

If you are asking yourself a question if it is about Steve Jobs, the answer is both yes and a no. Yes because it is the death of a revolutionary technology leader that has triggered this piece of writing and no because it does not intend to talk about Jobs. Nevertheless, mourn has gripped large swathes of people who view the person who was responsible in a little or large way for the ‘font’ we use on the ‘computers’ and the songs we listen on little devices, whose technology and aesthetic appeal stand them out of the league. It is indeed a sad day.

The 2005 speech of Steve Jobs at Stanford has become his ‘Last Lecture’ of sorts. It is excerpts of this speech that is being played over and over again and is being used for quotes for motivation, for leadership, and largely for imparting a sense of way-of-life. But in his demise I would like to remember one of his comments where he says that it is the fact that he will die someday, sooner or later, that drives him to achieve things, which motivates him, which pushes him, that helps him prioritize, and that helps him do what he does.
It is in that belief probably which elevates someone from ordinary to great. Enormous wealth could have made Steve Jobs live longer even with a rare pancreatic cancer but money certainly could not render an attitude to a person. Jobs was no saint and it does not need a saint to get that attitude either. It is to be cultivated. Cultivated because it does not have a pre existence. It is inherent to fear death. We usually always grow up in such an environment  and continue living in it until we actually do meet death. The illusion of life and reality of death certainly is not a concept which is easy to understand. It is the quest of searching an answer to this question which takes many a lifetimes.

What Steve Jobs or for that matter many leaders, achievers, dreamers, are able to do is to transform that fear into motivation, into a driving force. There does come numerous strings attached which is not easy to snap to achieve such levels of competence of transformation. And large part of our lives revolve around those strings. And they are important to be held on to too. Those strings are part of our existence, our responsibilities and our belongings. But a fine balance of holding on to some strings and the ability to rise above them is the key to success.
The words above are not meant to pass for being motivational or philosophical. It is just a reflection. A reflection that has arisen due to words, thoughts, beliefs of a man who was instrumental in affecting a whole new generation. There has to be many things special about a man like that. Steve Jobs - mastering the art of the iDIE app.  

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Farewell - September 2011

For a very special batch of students...their journey of couple of years...and unbound memories........

In your bright eyes with many dreams
Two years back and not very far it seems
On a rainy day you had come to this place
You added new meaning in that time space

A little younger with many apprehensions
A mixed bag of fun, seriousness and tensions
You inched slowly into stronger broader steps
You always worked your ways for ‘the Steps’

You would have encountered bouts of frustration
Working your way through jumbled machination
A whole lot of things that you thought meaningless
But you put up with them bravely nevertheless

You showcased brilliantly your various facets
Shone brightly out of the curricular closets
You took charge of things, displayed leadership
Maintained dignity at the face of hardship

As have you as pupils it was a pleasure
You do us proud in more than one measure
Rarely do so many greatly move you at one point
Who make the experience of teaching so buoyant

For many of us all of you will remain special
Any hard feels I believe will appear trivial
For in our hearts we wish best for you
Proud we feel by the achievements of you

In your journey many friendships we forged
In many diverse fields our thoughts merged
We shared evenings laughing our lungs out
Forgetting your follies and then how I shout

Mimicking, cribbing and even tuneless singing
With memories plenty moments are wringing
With cups of coffee on a few late evenings
Sharing and bonding over innate feelings

People come and go, its a process inevitable
It is the attachment that makes it unstable
Sometimes it is just a process so mechanical
Other times it becomes a situation emotional

Goodbyes are sometimes not an easy task
Why easily of people we grow fond one could ask
For it could so happen that parting is for ever
But affection in heart would lessen never

A group of people you will remain a special set
Always remembered fondly I could safely bet
As you bid adieu to us on a rainy evening
May all success be yours and happiness unending.