Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Farewell - September 2011

For a very special batch of students...their journey of couple of years...and unbound memories........

In your bright eyes with many dreams
Two years back and not very far it seems
On a rainy day you had come to this place
You added new meaning in that time space

A little younger with many apprehensions
A mixed bag of fun, seriousness and tensions
You inched slowly into stronger broader steps
You always worked your ways for ‘the Steps’

You would have encountered bouts of frustration
Working your way through jumbled machination
A whole lot of things that you thought meaningless
But you put up with them bravely nevertheless

You showcased brilliantly your various facets
Shone brightly out of the curricular closets
You took charge of things, displayed leadership
Maintained dignity at the face of hardship

As have you as pupils it was a pleasure
You do us proud in more than one measure
Rarely do so many greatly move you at one point
Who make the experience of teaching so buoyant

For many of us all of you will remain special
Any hard feels I believe will appear trivial
For in our hearts we wish best for you
Proud we feel by the achievements of you

In your journey many friendships we forged
In many diverse fields our thoughts merged
We shared evenings laughing our lungs out
Forgetting your follies and then how I shout

Mimicking, cribbing and even tuneless singing
With memories plenty moments are wringing
With cups of coffee on a few late evenings
Sharing and bonding over innate feelings

People come and go, its a process inevitable
It is the attachment that makes it unstable
Sometimes it is just a process so mechanical
Other times it becomes a situation emotional

Goodbyes are sometimes not an easy task
Why easily of people we grow fond one could ask
For it could so happen that parting is for ever
But affection in heart would lessen never

A group of people you will remain a special set
Always remembered fondly I could safely bet
As you bid adieu to us on a rainy evening
May all success be yours and happiness unending.

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